Saturday, February 23, 2013

Harry Potter!!!

Well since this is english class and I don't have anything to really write about, I'm going to write about Harry Potter and How much I love the books and the movies!! I grew up with Harry Potter, and I am obsessed with it!! I didn't read the books at first, though. I watched the movies and then I read the books. I didn't want to be critizising the movie while I watched it. After all the movies came out, I read the books, and I still loved the movies just the same. The books were wayyyy better of course, though! The movies left so much out! I don't know how J.K. Rowling had such an imagination! She is amazing! I would try and tell all you people who haven't read the books all about it; however, there is so much to these books that it is impossible for me to summarize. Plus, I don't want to ruin it for people that haven't read them yet! Just know that they are really really good! Just like the movies! The movies made me cry!!! There's so much sadness in this whole story! There's happy times too though! Okay, well I'm rambling on about how great Harry Potter is, that I'm starting to annoy myself! So I'm going to stop! Just read the books and watch the movies if you haven't yet! :D haha

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