Thursday, April 25, 2013


Well, it's getting close to the end of the semester. It's actually the last week of classes. One thing I have always been bad at is procrastination. Actually, I'm pretty good at it because I procrastinate a lot. I've always been told not to procrastinate, but I never listen. Sometimes it's really not my fault. I'm taking so many classes that I have to prioritize. I have to decide which class is more important at the time, and since we have a loose deadline for this class, I always left these blogs as my last priority. Now, I'm trying to think of things to blog about and I came up with this. I have about 6 more blogs to do. This is what I get for procrastinating. I don't feel bad about procrasting sometimes though. I only feel bad when I get bad grades for not studying because I procrastinated. So good thing I didn't have to study to write blogs! Well, th point im trying to make is that, kids, don't procrastinate! It's like a drug! Once you start, you can't stop! Seriously, it's really hard. You always say "Oh, I'll do it later" or "I have plenty of time." You really won't do it later, and you probably really don't have plenty of time, so do whatever you have to do NOW! :)


  1. I always procrastinate too! Especially now at the end of the semester :)

  2. I wouldn't be on here right now if it wasn't for me procrastinating! I always say I'm going to do it soon but I never do. It sucks!
